A recent update to the website calendar has caused “future events” to NOT DISPLAY properly. We have a temporary workaround/fix to display events on the calendar. After logging in, a […]
Author: Kelly Galvin
Annual BBQ Side Dish
Just a reminder to all the members coming to the Annual BBQ event on Saturday, March 25th to be sure and bring a side dish to pass. MEMBER SIDE DISHES […]
Annual Wood Shop BBQ Event
WHAT: Annual Wood Shop Picnic (Wood shop will provide burgers, hot dogs, condiments, soft drinks, water. Members Bring your own alcohol. WHO: Members and Significant Others WHEN: Saturday March 25, 2023 […]
Wood Shop and Website Access IMPORTANT
This is important! PLEASE READ! TENANTS: IF you are a seasonal TENANT in Green Valley, your GVR card is valid ONLY during your tenancy. You MUST ensure your GVR Card […]
Club Website Basics
If you need HELP on how to do something on the website, go to HELP on the top menu after you login to find several “How To” documents for solution […]
Pick Up Club Badges!
NOTICE!! To All Members who ordered a Club Badge…Please pick up your Club Badge at the Monitor Station!

Charlie Wolff 9/12/20 (R.I.P.)
Charlie Wolff passed away on Saturday night, 9/12/20 when the plane he was piloting went down near Seely Lake, Montana. He was a member of the Woodworkers of GVR since […]
Rick Gingery (R.I.P.)
Rick passed away on December 1, 2019.
No Parking in Handicap Access Ramp!!!
The access ramp adjacent to the handicap parking spot is for Handicap members ONLY. It is NOT a general purpose loading ramp/zone.
Henry Smith (R.I.P)
The Woodworkers of GVR were saddened to learn of Henry Smith’s passing on Thursday, Jan 23, 2020. Henry enjoyed wood carving, turning, and furniture building. He created most of the […]
Gary C. Raff (R.I.P.)
Gary C. Raff, July 29, 1945 to December 15, 2019. Gary was a long time woodworker and club member. He had served on the Board of Directors and performed other […]